History of Hypertext development (final task)

Hypertext is text displayed on a computer or other electronic device with references (hyperlinks) to other text that the reader can immediately access, usually by a mouse click or keypress sequence. Apart from running text, hypertext may contain tables, images and other presentational devices. Hypertext is the underlying concept defining the structure of the World Wide Web. It is an easy-to-use and flexible format to share information over the Internet.
All major histories of what we now call hypertext start in 1945, when Vannevar Bush wrote an article in The Atlantic Monthly called “As We May Think”, about a futuristic device he called a Memex. Starting in 1963, Ted Nelson developed a model for creating and using linked content he called “hypertext” and “hypermedia” (first published reference 1965). He later worked with Andries van Dam to develop the Hypertext Editing System in 1967 at Brown University. Douglas Engelbart independently began working on his NLS system in 1962 at Stanford Research Institute, although delays in obtaining funding, personnel, and equipment meant that its key features were not completed until 1968. In December of that year, Engelbart demonstrated a hypertext interface to the public for the first time, in what has come to be known as “The Mother of All Demos”.
In 1992, Lynx was born as an early Internet web browser. Its ability to provide hypertext links within documents that could reach into documents anywhere on the Internet began the creation of the Web on the Internet.
After the release of web browsers for both the PC and Macintosh environments, traffic on the World Wide Web quickly exploded from only 500 known web servers in 1993 to over 10,000 in 1994. Thus, all earlier hypertext systems were overshadowed by the success of the Web, even though it originally lacked many features of those earlier systems, such as an easy way to edit what you were reading, typed links, backlinks, transclusion, and source tracking.
Nowadays, hypertext is used for multifuctions like education (CAL), business, tutorial, advertisement, ad so on. However it is disoriented, hence the user sometimes will confuse when they click a title, hypertext will emerge many kinds of them, and sometimes it is related to the first click topic, yet sometimes not.
With its weakness and strength, hypertext is very interesting to be used in teaching process and other things.

CD Evaluation

CD Evaluation Related to the Principle of Designing CALL Program
Composed by: Sudirman
First Semester Student of Post Graduate UHAMKA Jakarta, Indonesia

In analyzing the four CD which has given by the lecturer, Mr. Hartoyo as Information Communication and Technology faculty, it is essential to quote some principles of designing the CALL program which are proposed by Hartoyo (2008), they are composed of interactive (feedback and instruction), usability (flexibility), content appropriateness, effectiveness, and performance.
1. Interactivity (feedback and instruction)
Interactivity refers to how the program can stimulate interaction, especially interaction between the computer and the user. It includes the effectiveness of the instructions and feedback provided in the program.
2. Usability (flexibility)
Usability (flexibility) refers to the flexibility, ease and inherent interest of the program used, and how easy it is to navigate within the program..
3. Content appropriateness
Content appropriateness is concerned with the amount of material presented in the program, how easily the material is learned and understood, and how far the material meets the students’ needs.

4. Effectiveness
Effectiveness refers to how effectively the program assists language learners to improve their mastery of grammar.

5. Performance (attractiveness)
Performance refers to the presentation, layout of the screen, the colour, and the illustration (picture, diagram, charts, etc) used in the program.

Remember: you must install the CD in your PC before playing it.
The cover of the the CD is good enough telling the user that is for the beginner user which has topic about coutries, simple words, food, colours, expressions, part of the body, numbers, telling the time and shopping.
After watching it, I would like to recommend whom this CD for, this CD is very good for the beginner learners, they can be kindergarten or the students of elementary school on condition the can read. Beside,I would like to give some appreciate and suggestion (input) related to the CD.
1. Interactivity (feedback and the instruction)
Actually, in the beginning the instruction is quite clear and interactive, because the user can get what she/he wants after clicking the button. Yet, there is no interactivity for any game provided both the easy game and the hard game, they cannot be played.

2. Usability (Flexibility)
Not all of the CD contents can be opened, for each topic will be provided five categories namely choosing words, speaking drill, easy game, hard game, and printing drawer, from those categories only choosing word and printing drawer can be used.

3. Content appropriateness
The topic and the contents are quite fit. This eases the learner in learning the content of the topic in the CD

4. Effectiveness
It is very effective in vocabularies mastery by supporting with the direct recorder. After the user choose of the picture, automatically name of the picture will show up directly with the meaning also. It helps the student to know the meaning in Indonesia without opening their dictionary.

5. Perfomance (attractiveness)
The performance of this CD is very attractive being supported with the interesting background, and the colour is very life.
Commonly, this is CD is very good, yet it still need some improvement in some cases.


This CD refers to British learning English. It contains some learning steps from the beginner to intermediate one, it means when the user thinks the he/she can pass the first topic he/she he can go on to the hard one, but the user can go to hard one directly. It suggests the user play from the first to the last is better. the fat on the land of this CD is the user can create his/her own audio and compare with the speaker, and also we are asked to honest to score our own. It is recommended the intermediate one use this CD.
The CD consists of 10 subjects; The Alphabet, Greeting, At the Restaurant, Shopping, Greeting Around, At the Hotel, On the Phone, Emergencies, Leisure, and Business. At the bottom of the list provided the score as the summary of game which is played in each theme, and also provide the result of students’ recording, Change help language, go online, and quit.
1. Interactivity (feedback and the instruction)
This CD is very very interactive, through this the learner can listen and repeat what the speaker says, when the user thinks that she/he is able to read and make his own audio he/she can record some sentences /phrases on the screen which in the end of the recording he /she can check by comparing his/her recording with the speakers provided.

2. Usability (Flexibility)
Talking usability, I have no word about it. All of the available items are easy to play by all users. They just follow the instruction given.

3. Content Appropriateness
This is amazing video, all available things do not make the students confused, and the setting of the CD helps the student much. One thing that makes the user gets easy to operate it because of the appropriateness between the theme and the contents.

4. Effectiveness
It is very effective for the students to practice their English, it is recommended as a home teacher, because after we practice by our own we can check directly if our saying is correct or wrong.

5. Performance (attractiveness)
The performance of this CD is quite different with the previous CD, because it is used the real speaker is the man so that the user can see the mime, the mouth or other thing how the speaker pronounce the words or phrase.

This CD is quite for Elementary school students, but certain private school, it is recommended for whom has basic English ability. It is very suitable for whom that already secondary school, this CD can be alternative game to play for the students rather than to play action game which solely a game (uneducated game). There are many things that can be taken by the users when they play this CD, they are nature, science, the body, occupation, religion, education, verb, adjective, technology, aquatic, music and poetry, and miscellaneous. Below, the analyzing of this CD which considered with CD designing principles:
1. Interactivity (feedback and instruction)
It has good interactivity of the CD setting, the instruction is clear enough, but need to improve in telling the game be played.

2. Usability (flexibility)
It is very flexible to operate it, the users just do as the instruction given, and the important one is all the contents available in the CD are usable.

3. Content appropriateness
As I said in the previous number, this is very flexible because the students can play the game provided easily, nothing of the content makes the students /users getting confused, when the choose the topic about occupation, it will take us to some questions related to the occupation, all of the questions are multiple choices to answer them the user just shoot the flying balloon.

4. Effectiveness
This is very precise with the title in the cover namely vocabulary. It is quite good to enrich students knowledge about all things provided, and also this is one of the best way to increase learners ability, I am sure all students will be enthusiast to play it, because almost of the students like playing computer.

5. Performance (attractiveness)
The performance of this CD is very attractive, it is quite different with the two CD before, its performance is very colouring and not boring, the supporting performance the designer of this CD embedded music.
CD 4 (English word)
The characteristic of the CD is rather the same with the previous CD, it is for increasing vocabularies but in different format. The available vocabularies in this CD are related to people, the home, the street, animals, shopping, the body, clothing, transport, colour, shape, number, games, pastimes, the park and the countryside.
The interactivity, the flexibility, the content appropriateness, the effectiveness and the performance are quite good.
There some things that make this CD looks different they are the categories, and the diverse places for playing the game, that ‘s why the students /users will not get bored. In addition, it is supported by blurt music.
There are four categories will appear after we type our name, they are Roadhog, Rescue, Night Search, and Frozen food. Before the users play the game, the user must choose one of the categories which bring the users to certain type of the game. If the users choose ROADHOG, they will play how cross the street with the passing car if the the user hit the car or choose the wrong colour, the users’ live will be automatically lost. And so on

After playing and observing the CDs, I conclude that all CDs are quite good to be used in increasing students ability in English about listening, speaking, reading, pronunciation, and vocabularies. This following chart telling us about the CD:

+ : bad
++ : fair
+++ : good
++++ : very good
+++++ : excellent

This scoring is from my personal view can be right or not depend on how you see it. It is quite probably that my other colleague will give the different scores.


Written by: Sudirman
The student of Post Graduate of UHAMKA Jakarta

. Language is only communication tool for the living thing which consists of verbal and non-verbal language. We realize that all of living things have a language to express their idea, thought, feeling, condition and so on; however human being and other living things have different way to communicate each other, people communicate each other using both verbal (spoken) and non-verbal (written), because there are a great number of language in this world a learner will select the priority language going to be studied beside their mother tongue language. As we know, English is an international language which should be mastered by all the learners in any country that used in all of scopes of life especially politic, science, Economy, business, and daily conversation. To cope with these cases, many parents motivate their children to learn English from primary school, or even toddler, for some send their children to join certain English score or have private English teacher at their house, yet, Unfortunately, the students are still poor in mastering, this cases challenged me to find the problem out in which part the error was by doing trial and error, I designed my material in power points to show up to the students. It was quite effective; the students were very enthusiast in following the material. So, I assumed that CALL is one of the proper approaches in teaching English.


Technology grows rapidly in the lately years, we realize that nowadays computer is not something strange especially for metropolis Students. They are very familiar with computer or the like one, or in other word, almost of the students are capable of operating computer, and the most important one, all of children like playing computer. Exploiting this condition, it is quite effective for the teachers to present the material by designing it as our wish and need. To make the designing interesting there some aspect should be considered:

1. Colour
Colour is one of eye-catching thing that must be used in designing our material, it helps the teacher explaining the material effectively and easily, and also it makes the students easy to comprehend the material, for instance, when the teacher explain about a sentence form.

1. She is Studying English at New Concept English School Now
2. They will play football at GOR Bekasi next sunday

By giving the colour it make the students more attract and focus to see the material giving and also ease them to differentiate which is the subject, verb, object or adverb.
2 Flexibility

Flexible is one reason to use call in teaching especially teaching English, the presenters/tutors can change the characters as often as possible. The design is easy to operate by any one. The teachers can give /write many examples through LCD that enable the students keep on focusing on the material given.

3. Performance
The performance of CALL can eradicate the sleepy feeling of the students, the designers /teachers can designs his powerpoint/material as he wants considering the age of the students. For instance, if he/she is teaching primary school it is better to use funny /kid background, it is very effective to alert their mind. The designer can use picture, chart, video, music to make the performance more attractive.

4. Effectiveness
Using CALL is very effective, because the material can be used again for teaching other class/ students, it just probably needs the teacher to improve if it is necessary. In other word, it will the teacher to use his/her time to think other things related to teaching and learning or the teacher can use his/her time to accomplish his/her administration files.
Beside, the teacher and students can check their grammar competence, enrich vocabularies, recheck whether their pronunciations are correct or not, or even they can record their voice of pronucing each words supplied by the CD. According to Hartoyo (2008), the self access computer-mediated language learning program is usually designed on the five principles.

The advantages of implementing CALL at school
Hartoyo proposed some advantages of using CALL, that is CALL encourages users (student) to develop a non-sequential reading habit which it is hoped will carry over to reading tasks with traditional, printed material.
CALL also offers freedom for users to choose any topic of information available within the package.
CALL spurs the user (student) to be able to collaborate very usefully in problem solving which in itself is considered to be a good skill to acquire, as it can be implemented in a wide range of different contexts.
CALL will be flexibility of time allows the student to determine what particular topics and how long he wants to learn.
CALL program is different from other due to its interaction with the user or learner. The interaction of CALL is more interesting than the laboratory used by some English institution. English laboratory is only one way communication because the learner will get no response with the answer given. It means that laboratory could not serve the user with the interaction. Students in answering the question will only look the score without given the correction or comment whether the answer which is given true or false.
There are some advantages can be presented by using the CALL in an English school, namely;
Interaction. It means that the student transmit a message and would received one in turn.
Immediately feedback; There will be an immediate notification that a mistake has been made.
Then student will get “Error analysis’ that is specific error are identified and explained, then “self correction’. It is clear error messages help most students to achieve the satisfaction of reaching the correct answer in the end. The student would get reinforcement. They are encouraged by congratulatory message for correct answer.
The disadvantages of implementing CALL at school
The use of CALL in school beside has advantages, it has also disadvantages. The CALL is much less handy than some traditional printed book due to the devices. Because CALL can be operated by using some computerized devices.
It is also tiring and more difficult to display long reading material. Because, according to Gould and Grischowsky (1984) which is quoted by Hartoyo (2008), people read 20 – 30 % slower from low resolution screen. The high resolution will help student to solve this problem. The CALL is different from the traditional book, its program is rather costly than one. The use of the program takes a lot of money to facilitate the tool with hardware and software.

I conclude that teaching English using CALL is more effective, attractive and efficient than traditional method (common approaches)

1. Hartoyo (2008). Individual Differences in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Pelita Insani Semarang
2. Rivers, Wilga M. 1987. Interactive Language teaching, Cambridge Language Leaching Library